Our Team
Vivien Nagy
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Vivien holds a PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Iceland. She is experienced in research and development, chitosan modification and process optimization with a distinct focus on fostering innovation and nurturing creativity. Vivien was nominated for the Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) award in 2022 by JCI Iceland.
Már Másson
Founder, Chief Scientific Officer
Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland. Már completed a BSc degree in chemistry from the University of Iceland in 1987, a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Copenhagen and then a PhD in engineering, specializing in biotechnology, from the Tokyo University of Technology in 1995. Author of more than 120 publications and inventor on 7 patents, with a strong interest in technology transfer.
Amin Amani
PhD student
Amin is a researcher currently completing his PhD studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland. With a focus on advancing healthcare solutions, he specializes in developing innovative antimicrobial coatings tailored for silicones. Amin brings a wealth of experience in biotechnology and microbiology to the Minamo team.